Designing Bespoke Home Bars: Trends and Ideas • Dobsons - Beautiful Homes Inside & Out

As the song goes, sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name, and obviously home is the place where that’s the most likely to happen.

Home bars are becoming an increasingly popular part of home renovations because they enhance the room, create a wow factor, and are the perfect way of making your friends feel welcome. So if you love entertaining, think about incorporating your own bespoke bars into the renovation designs for your new kitchen or living areas as part of your home renovation plans.

Dobsons Bespoke Home Bar

Why do people install home bars?

There’s a reason why people socialise in bars and pubs – they’re comfortable and welcoming spaces where you enjoy meeting up with friends and having fun. Of course there are drawbacks to going out – the pub might be too crowded or noisy, it may have run out of your favourite bar snacks, and someone in your party has got to be the designated driver.

Having a home bar means you’ll get the best of both worlds without the need to experience the drawbacks. So you’ll never have to wait for a free table, never get stuck in a queue at the bar, will never get distracted by loud music or sports screens, and as long as you’ve done the shopping, you’ll always be able to get your favourite cocktail!

Home bars

A home bar doesn’t have to mimic a pub bar, so you can design it in whatever way you like. In fact, a luxury bespoke home bar will fit into your home seamlessly with the aesthetics of your home’s interior, or create an individual space that makes your home bar stand out but without clashing with the rest of the room. It can be as big or small as you want it, or as space allows. Our experienced designers will start by talking to you about your renovation, and then fit in the home bar design to match your new living space.

Where’s the best place for your home bar?

There is no right or wrong answer to the best place to locate your bar. If you love entertaining guests, then the kitchen will be the right place so you can serve drinks and chat at the same time as preparing dinner. On the other hand, you may prefer to have your home bar in the living room in order to keep guests separate from the food preparation and washing up. However, this means your home bar will be further away from the sink and the fridge, so you may want to think about installing running water and a small sink for convenience.

Bespoke home bars also work as a way of spanning the boundary between kitchen and living space in an open plan area. Alternatively, they can be placed in a completely different location, such as a basement, games room or garden room depending on your lifestyle and your reason for wanting your own bar.

Drinks cabinet

The drinks cabinet will be an essential part of your luxury home bar – or you can choose to only have the cabinet. Drinks cabinets are the best place to keep your bottles and glasses safely out of the way. They can incorporate a wine cabinet where you can lay down your favourite reds, a wine fridge for the whites, and plenty of space to keep your glasses. We can bespoke build it to incorporate whatever you need – glass fronted doors, solid doors, hanging racks for wine glasses, wine racks, drawers designed to hold your corkscrews and cocktail accessories, or whatever else you need.

Your drinks cabinet will match your new kitchen units to make your new kitchen a cohesive and attractive space.


If you’re installing a bespoke bar, then lighting is a hugely important part of it. When you’re socialising at the bar, you need to create the right mood to generate a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere which will encourage conversation. You’ll need to have enough light concentrated on the area where you’ll prepare the drinks so you can see what you’re doing, but your guests will want to have lower level lighting to create a confidential atmosphere. Our expert designers will know exactly how to create accent lighting to create the perfect bar space.

Talk to the experts

If you’re renovating your kitchen or any part (or all) of your home, we can definitely help. Make an appointment with one of our design experts at our Cheshunt showroom, where we can discuss your plans, talk about the bar design you’re thinking of, and show you examples of the exquisitely handcrafted Stoneham kitchen furniture that all our customers love so much, including bespoke home bars.

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