Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce Event - Dobsons Home

Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Networking

By July 22, 2019January 31st, 2023No Comments

We were delighted to be the venue for a Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Networking Event last week.

The free event was open to both members and non-members of the chamber and was an opportunity for local Hertfordshire business to get together and meet new contacts and chat with other like-minded individuals.

We invited Bora, one of our appliance partners who are the market leaders in kitchen cooktop extraction, to arrange for one of their excellent chefs to cook a delicious breakfast on our showroom Bora hob for those attending, which included bacon rolls, frittata, porridge and pancakes.

It was a fantastic morning with an excellent turn out and we look forward to working again with the Chamber on a collaboration later in the year.

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