What to expect when visiting our showroom

We’re so happy to reopen our showroom and look forward to seeing you and talking about your new bathroom, kitchen, glazing or home renovation plans. As you’d expect, we have put stringent COVID-safe measures in place to ensure your safety and the safety of our staff. This blog is to let you know what to expect when visiting our showroom. 

Book an appointment 

First and foremost, you must book an appointment. We need to ensure that social distancing is maintained at all times, and in order to do that, we must limit the number of people in the showroom at any given time. So please call us on 01992 623066 to book your appointment. 

Dobsons Home Showroom

Keep your group size to a minimum

We understand that when planning a new kitchen or bathroom you’ll be making important decisions and may well want the advice of friends and family. However, we respectfully ask that you bring only the most essential people, which will most likely be you and your spouse/partner. Please do not bring children or other family members in order to minimise risks. 

Phone us on arrival

When you arrive at our gates at the side of our showroom, call us to let us know you are here. We will then open the gates for you and once you’ve parked, we’ll show you into the showroom. 


On arrival, we will ask you to sanitise or wash your hands. We have provided hand sanitiser and will be happy to show you to the nearest hand-washing facility if that’s what you’d prefer. 


Although face coverings are no longer mandatory by law, our staff will continue to wear them during your visit and we would actively encourage you to do the same unless medically exempt.


Please continue to maintain an appropriate distance from our staff at all times during your visit.


We will ask you to sign our visitor log for the purposes of Test and Trace. 

Cleaning between appointments

Rest assured that between appointments we will clean all the touchpoints to keep the showroom as hygienic as possible. 

Please cancel your appointment if you are unwell

If you are showing any symptoms of COVID-19, however slight, please call us to cancel your appointment. This also applies if you have been advised to isolate by Track and Trace, or if you or a member of your household has tested positive for COVID-19, even if you do not have any of the symptoms. We will be very happy to rearrange your appointment as soon as your recommended isolation period is over.

Thank you for observing these guidelines and helping to protect your family and ours. We’re excited to be open again and look forward to helping you with your new project. 

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